RADNOR, Pa. (KYW Newsradio) — Mia Noelle Rodriguez is a freshman at Archbishop John Carroll High School in Radnor, Pennsylvania. She has been singing since she was 5 years old and recently showcased her talents in a viral video campaign from the Coordination of Associations of People with Down Syndrome, also known as Coordown.
The campaign “No Decisions Without Us” features people with various disabilities demanding to be in the room where decisions are made. It was born out of a commitment to the importance of including people with Down syndrome, and disabilities in general, in decision-making processes.
The video opens with Mia singing, “I want to be where the decisions are made.” She then puts her head against the outside of a door, where two people are inside a room, discussing what she should wear to a wedding. She then storms into the room and demands to be involved in the process, saying she does not like any of the options they assumed would be good for her…