With moderate drought conditions present, N.C. Forest Service discourages burning

Be diligent and responsible with outdoor fire and fireworks all the time. NCFS

RALEIGH — Forest Service officials are discouraging outdoor burning due to the ongoing dry weather. As hot and dry conditions persist across much of the state, fire danger will be moderate to high across the Piedmont and Coastal Plain until significant rainfall is received.

“Outdoor burning and at-home fireworks are discouraged until your area receives substantial, soaking rain,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Steve Troxler. “Fire danger is high. Fuels can ignite quickly, and unattended fires are likely to escape and spread in a hurry. We understand fireworks are a major part of Independence Day celebrations and festivities, and that’s why we’re encouraging folks to attend professional fireworks displays rather than conducting their own.”

Being diligent and responsible with outdoor fire and fireworks is critical all the time. If a wildfire is caused by your backyard fire or fireworks, you may be subject to law enforcement action.

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