These North Carolina Cities Rank Among the Lowest in Most Caring Cities in America

In a world that’s become unpredictable, it’s comforting to know that across the country, there are still people who care.

In some US cities, that compassion and concern for others’ well-being has taken priority, and WalletHub is giving them their due.

The site looked at America’s 100 biggest cities, analyzing more than three dozen metrics in three main categories: caring for the community (which includes favors done for neighbors, the share of volunteer fire departments, and how much money residents give to charity); caring for the vulnerable (ie, animal protection laws, homeless shelters, and the like); and caring in the workforce, which includes doctors, nurses, and first responders per capita, as well as such things as how teachers care for students.

Winston-Salem and Greensboro, North Carolina, ranked among the lowest in Most caring cities in America, according to WalletHub’s 2024. Winston-Salem holds the 93rd spot, while Greensboro ranks slightly higher at 91.

Here’s a breakdown of the rankings:

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