Brunswick County JROTC Air Rifle Team credits strong foundation, hard work for success

It’s after 3:30 p.m. on a Wednesday in December, and while many high school students are thinking about their winter break, the JROTC air rifle range at North Brunswick High School is hot.

Members of the team check their sights, fire at targets, and prepare for the next match. The team recently took home first place at the 4th Brigade Air Rifle Best of the Best Championship. That finish earned them a trip to the U.S. Army Regional JROTC Service Championships in Anniston, Alabama, in February. There teams will fight for a chance to compete at the JROTC National Championship in Camp Perry, Ohio, in March.

Noth Brunswick was one of the 339 U.S. Army JROTC Air Rifle Teams to make it to the JROTC Postal match, which requires that teams shoot targets and send them through the mail for scoring.

“We are the number one team to make it out of the Army,” said 1sg George Williams, coach of the North Brunswick Air Rifle Team.

While many might bask in the moment and enjoy their success, this isn’t a one-time accomplishment. The North Brunswick JROTC Air Rifle Team has been enjoying winning seasons since 2012.

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