Looking ahead to the Sunday to Monday storm in New England

A coastal storm will be coming to New England late this weekend into early next week. This storm will bring portions of New England, mainly southern New England, a chance for accumulating snow. A moisture-rich storm system will move off the Mid-Atlantic coast and likely track to New England’s south with signs currently pointing to the storm tracking near the 40/70 benchmark. Here are the latest trends:

In late January, this track would be a big indicator of a potentially large snowfall across most of southern and central New England, however, there are some factors that could hold back snowfall in places. The main issue is that there will be no cold air ahead of the system. This will likely allow the storm to begin as rain or a mix across lower elevation areas and along the coast.

This rain and mixing initially will naturally cut down on snow totals. Areas that see a quick transition or even start as snow currently have the highest chances of seeing at least a decent thump of snow (4-8+ inches). These areas would be the Worcester Hills, Berkshires, southern Green Mountains and the Monadnocks. Areas further north are currently too far removed from the storm center to see much snow.

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