Steward outlines process to sell, auction hospitals

Attorneys for Steward Health Care want a federal judge to bless the company’s proposed process for selling or auctioning its 31 hospitals, including eight in Massachusetts, over the next seven weeks.

A late Wednesday night filing in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court case that started last week proposes “global bidding and auction procedures” to govern the sale of Steward’s hospitals and its physician network, Stewardship Health. If Judge Christopher Lopez approves the company’s motion, bids for Steward’s Massachusetts hospitals (and hospitals in other states aside from Florida) would be due June 24 and sale hearings would be held July 2. A hearing on the motion is planned for June 3 at 2 p.m.

Steward’s lawyers said the proposed sale process is “designed to continue to promote a competitive and robust bidding process, while allowing the Debtors to implement sale transactions on an expedited basis.”

Gov. Maura Healey, Attorney General Andrea Campbell, and other state leaders want Steward out of Massachusetts, but the company has not secured buyers for its Bay State hospitals in the months since its financial predicament came to light.

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