Immigrant Advocates Call on Massachusetts AG to Probe Enrollment Discrimination

Just weeks after Massachusetts attorneys flagged two school districts for allegedly denying newcomer students their legal right to an education, researchers examining Oregon and Michigan state data found that English learners were less likely than other students to be enrolled in the core classes they need to graduate.

Both of these issues were called out in a June undercover investigation by The 74 that revealed rampant enrollment discrimination against older immigrant students. These newer findings show many such barriers remain in various parts of the country.

Boston-based Lawyers for Civil Rights and Massachusetts Advocates for Children asked the state attorney general’s office on Aug. 28 to investigate Saugus Public Schools for practices they say single out immigrant children: The school system currently bars entry to students whose families did not complete the annual town census.

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While local census data collection is mandatory in Massachusetts, lawyers say it can’t be tied to student enrollment.

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