Another mild winter? Maps show seasonal outlook.

Next Weather: WBZ midday forecast for September 20 03:22

BOSTON – It may be September, but it’s time to talk about winter . And depending on how you feel about snow, there could be some good news for you in the long-range forecast for Massachusetts.

NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, released its winter seasonal outlook on Thursday. The federal agency’s maps are probability based and cover the months of December, January and February.

The temperature forecast favors above-average temperatures across the southern tier of the United States and for the entire East Coast.
The seasonal temperature outlook for December, January and February. NOAA

NOAA’s precipitation forecast looks wetter than average across most of the northern states and drier than average across the south.
The seasonal precipitation outlook for December, January and February. NOAA

La Niña impact on winter forecast

The vast majority of this forecast was based on one factor, La Niña .

We are already seeing signs of a La Niña in the waters off of South America.

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