Sandy Paws Rescue Inc., a dedicated foster-based rescue organization in Massachusetts, has recently introduced a playful 1-year-old, 53lb border collie mix named Sprinkles who is hoping to find her forever home. The nonprofit foster just shared with their community that unfortunately Sprinkles has so far received no applications to be adopted, and through no fault of her own.
This energetic and loving pup has proven herself to be an absolute delight, explains Sprinkle’s foster family. Currently residing in Texas but soon making her way to Massachusetts, Sprinkles has demonstrated remarkable adaptability and a wonderful disposition with both people and other animals. She’s particularly great with children aged 8-12 as that is the age of the children in her foster home and has shown nothing but friendliness toward other dogs and cats.
When it comes to Sprinkle’s training, she’s still working on some basic training aspects, such as consistent potty habits and leash manners, and her eagerness to learn and please her caregivers is evident. Sprinkles also does well in a crate, explains her foster family.