Sandy Paws Rescue, a dedicated foster-based dog rescue in Massachusetts, recently introduced a small 9-year-old dog named Chai who is searching for his forever family. This gentle senior pup, weighing just 19 pounds, has captured hearts with his easy-going personality and friendly demeanor. Currently residing in Texas, Chai is looking forward to his journey to a foster family in Massachusetts in early 2025, where he will be waiting until he finds his perfect retirement home.
Despite his age, Chai has shown himself to be an adaptable and sociable companion, getting along well with other dogs. His manageable size and calm disposition make him an ideal candidate for various living situations, from apartments to houses with yards.
Chai’s arrival in Massachusetts early next year will mark the beginning of his next chapter, and he’s hoping to find a family ready to share their love and comfort with him in his golden years.
Sandy Paws Rescue is a nonprofit rescue in Massachusetts that works to save dogs like Chai and give them a second chance by finding them their forever home. Sandy Paws Rescue explains that they “rescue dogs from various shelters, cruelty situations, owner surrenders in Massachusetts, and strays from Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.” They don’t have a shelter location therefore all of their dogs wait to find their forever homes while fostered in private foster homes or kennels.