Sandy Paws Rescue, a dedicated foster-based dog rescue in Massachusetts, recently introduced a two-year-old long-haired chihuahua mix named Pascal who is searching for his forever family. The nonprofit rescue explains that this charming pup, weighing just 8 pounds, has a playful personality and gentle nature.
Originally found as a stray, Pascal has blossomed in foster care. He particularly enjoys entertaining himself and his foster mom with his favorite activity – playing ball. Sandy Paws Rescue explains that despite his small stature, Pascal has plenty of energy and enthusiasm. Pascal has already mastered important life skills, including being housebroken, and is making progress with leash training.
Pascal’s sociable nature shines through in his interactions with both humans and other dogs his size, suggesting he would make a wonderful addition to a household with existing pets. For families looking to add a loving, compact companion to their home, Pascal might just be the perfect match.