Sandy Paws Rescue, a dedicated foster-based dog rescue in Massachusetts, recently introduced a tiny dog named Diego who is searching for his forever family. This charming seven-year-old pup may be small at just 6.5 pounds, but his personality is anything but tiny. Despite his age, Diego demonstrates remarkable athleticism, often entertaining his foster family by jumping onto the doghouse with impressive agility.
Initially discovered as a stray with dental issues, Diego has received comprehensive medical care, including a complete dental workup that has restored him to perfect health. “His little tongue might stick out at you sometimes, but he eats just fine and isn’t shy about showing his lovable side,” explains Sandy Paws Rescue.
Diego has proven to be incredibly social, particularly with dogs of similar size, making him an excellent companion for households with other small canine friends. His cat compatibility remains untested, but his friendly demeanor suggests potential for successful introductions.