Popular Local Eatery Serves the Best Breakfast Sandwich in Massachusetts

It’s safe to say that Massachusetts serves up some amazing breakfast food at restaurants and eateries across the state. That being said, let’s acknowledge one great thing that can be a part of any great breakfast, which is the breakfast sandwich. It might even be the absolute best thing you’ll have all day! And now we know exactly where you can find the best breakfast sandwich in all of Massachusetts.

Sure, most of the time, on our way to work, we might just settle for whatever is convenient. Maybe there’s a fast food joint that can throw together the usual breakfast sandwich to help get us going for the day. But if we’re talking the absolute ‘best breakfast sandwich’ in the state, we’re definitely not settling for any convenient fast food.

The publication ‘Love Food’ has recently released the list of The Best Breakfast Sandwich in Every State. It’s probably not a shock where they ended up finding the best breakfast sandwich in Massachusetts. To find the spot that serves it, you will have to make your way out east to Boston. There’s a spot known as Mike & Patty’s, which serves a sandwich known as “Grilled Crack.”…

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