There’s no such thing as middle class in Mass., say readers

“The current cost in Mass. is outrageous — our family that makes over $250K a year doesn’t feel middle class.”

A lot of readers seem to be in agreement about one thing concerning the middle class in Massachusetts: There ain’t no such thing.

“There are only two classes in the U.S.: Oligarchy and 99%,” wrote Ribert of Dedham. Tony from Carlisle offered more specifics: “If you can live on your savings and investments without selling your labor, you are upper class. If not, you are working class. The middle class is a fiction created to divide the working class against itself!”

And then there’s Leanne from Malden, who said, “There’s now the homeless, the poor, the working poor, the rich, and the ultra wealthy.” And unless you’re in one of those last two groups, you’re probably depressed right now…

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