Denver family searches for missing pigeon

Colorado family searches for missing pigeon 02:40

By Mark Neitro, CBS News Colorado photojournalist

A Denver family has been searching the city for their pet bird since Monday.

It flew away from their home and needs to be found soon or it might die, or be killed. Photojournalist Mark Neitro followed the family on their search.

Elaina Frisch has been leading the search as the family is desperate to find a special pet pigeon named, “Penelope.”

“A lot of people are pretty shocked when I tell them I’m missing my pet pigeon,” she said.

But Penelope stands out from others as she is wearing a special “fliaper,” which is a diaper for birds. It’s another reason why the bird must be found soon.

“It (fliaper) was customized for her. She has watermelons and her name on it, and it goes all around the bird. And it’s imperative we get to her soon because it is blocking her vent,” she said. “It can kill her.”

Penelope’s leash broke on Monday and was able to fly away from the home on Bayaud Avenue and Logan Street. The family is putting up posters and is looking up on top of every light pole, but so far no luck.

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