Meet The Bridge School Cooperative Elementary

The Bridge School Cooperative Elementary is a small, independent K-5 school located in White Center. Find us on Facebook and Instagram to see what our community is up to these days, and read on to learn what we’re all about!

What We Teach & How

Our curriculum is designed to support students as learners exactly where they’re at academically, while prioritizing relationships and social-emotional learning. Classroom teachers have over a decade of teaching experience and use multi-age classes and hands-on learning to excite young learners. With specialized instructors, nature and the arts take center stage with our Outdoor Education and Creative Enrichment programs. Students spend one day a week learning outdoors and have ample time exploring visual arts, music, and theater.

What Makes Our Cooperative School Different

There’s no one way to do co-op at The Bridge School! Families are welcomed into all aspects of the school, from working as teaching assistants in classrooms, to accompanying young naturalists on outdoor days, to leadership and governance. Participation looks different for everyone, as families’ contributions are tailored to fit their availability and skills. For all, however, it’s the shared values of community and support that make The Bridge School a school home for students and adults alike.

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