Education leaders mixed on banning cellphones in schools statewide

Education leaders plan to gather Friday in Albany to discuss how to address cell phone use in schools, and online safety for students.

Gov. Kathy Hochul is expected during the next legislative session to propose a state ban on student cellphones and personal technology in schools. Friday’s discussions at the Disconnected conference hosted by the state teachers union, could help solidify that plan.

Right now, there isn’t a consensus among state education leaders on whether a blanket ban is the answer. But there is shared and serious concerns when it comes to youths’ relationship with technology.

“It’s pretty clear that a distraction free learning environment — which means phones, earbuds, watches, all that stuff away for the whole school day — is what’s best for learning, what’s best for relationship building, what’s best for our students’ mental health,” said Melinda Person, president of New York State United Teachers, which is hosting the event.

NYSUT hasn’t taken an official stance on a statewide ban, but Person said she’s seen how some schools have managed to keep them out of classrooms — whether by using magnetic pouches to seal off the phone for the whole school day, having students leave their phones at the door before each class, or having students keep their phones in their lockers.

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