Upstate NY City Named Toughest To Pronounce Nationwide
Among the many tough-to-pronounce names in Upstate New York, one town stands above the rest. There is no shortage of Upstate New York town names that are nearly impossible for outsiders to pronounce. Many of them come from Native American origins, and that unique dialect makes...
Lucky Owl Gets Spotted By New York State Trooper
Driving on roads throughout New York it is not uncommon to come across a wild animal. Hopefully, it is not the type of encounter that causes you or the animal any injury. Types of Animals You Might See On New York Highways. Many of our highways in New York cross...
7 Animal Tracks Spotted In New York State, Can You Identify All of These?
Your property may be used as an animal highway and you don't even realize it. Occasionally, if you pay close attention, you will notice the signs that animals leave behind once they have spent time near your home. In New York State winter is a good time of year to...
Spectacular ‘Pancake Ice’ Has Finally Arrived in New York
It seemed like it was only a matter of time, and now the moment is finally here. Pancake ice has arrived in New York. The freezing temperatures in the state have created more than a few once-in-a-lifetime experiences. From the massive 23-foot snowman created in upstate New York...
DMV Issues Warning for All Drivers in New York
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles is cautioning all New York drivers to be aware of something that could cost you thousands of dollars. Driving in New York presents many challenges that affect everyone at one time or another. There's traffic, potholes, wildlife,...
Upstate NY county is in top 5 statewide for violent crime; search data for...
New York City boroughs topped the list of counties in New York with the highest rates of violent crime in 2023, but one Upstate New York location cracked the top five. Albany County ranked fifth in New York for violent crime rate in 2023, the most recent year available in state...
Giant Gas Station Operator In New York Closing 1,000 Locations
New Yorkers may have to find a new place to fill up their tank. One of the state's three biggest gas station chains confirmed massive closures. According to ScrapeHero, Exxon Mobil, BP and Shell are the biggest gas stations in the Empire State. Can you guess which gas station...
New York State Police Issue “Public Safety Alert” For Hudson Valley
A "public safety" alert was issued by New York State Police for the "Hudson Valley region." New York State Police warning Hudson Valley residents are targeted residential burglaries. Tips To Avoid Being A Target. Police investigating recent home break-ins released these tips...
SIGNS: Former NYPD Officer Resigns Over “Shot-For-Sympathy-Case”
NYPD is going to have to do a lot of leg work to come back from this—no pun intended. A former New York state trooper who claimed he was shot on a Long Island highway has resigned after triggering a massive multi-state manhunt. An NBC News report has revealed...
Website says notorious highway is New Jersey’s most dangerous road
Editors of a popular website have named New Jersey's most dangerous road. First, an interesting fact — since we all seem to be driving seven days a week, federal statistics say the average person in New Jersey drives just over 12,200 miles per year. That's close to what our...