Homeless shelters prepare for increase in need because of new Florida law

Non-profits are preparing for a possible growing need to help those without homes.

In just four months, a new law would make it illegal for people to sleep in public spaces or parks.

Aaron Swift with the Homeless Leadership Alliance of Pinellas said homelessness is a big problem in the Tampa Bay area.

“Thirty something years ago, I was homeless here in Pinellas County from the ages of two to six with my mother,” said Swift.

He said it can happen to anyone.

“It’s running out of options. It’s dealing with mental health issues. It’s substance abuse issues. It’s domestic violence issues. There’s so many host of factors that lead to the unhoused and homelessness issues,” said Swift.

But with a new Florida law going into effect in October, Swift said it could make things worse.

The new law prohibits people from sleeping overnight in public places like parks.

State leaders who support the bill say it will help push people who need help into shelters and programs, but Swift said that could cause more issues.

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