Protesters gather on Franklin Street for Pro-Palestinian rally, march

Despite wet conditions on Sunday protesters gathered in Chapel Hill for a rally and march in Chapel Hill.

The Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered on Franklin Street at the old post office before marching through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus and holding a rally on the steps of the south building, home to the school’s administration.

It comes after a tumultuous week on campus led to arrests and barricades on the man quad.

Protesters called for the university to divest with any company that has ties to Israel and grant amnesty to the students who were arrested in the encampment last week.

Protesters are also urging professors, TAs, and staff to refrain from posting final grades for the semester until the university provides amnesty to those students.

Police detained 36 protesters during a demonstration on


after the university said protesters who had been there for days began to violate university policy.

Three of the six people arrested were UNC students.

Story continues