Home Invasion: The Coercive Turn in America’s Migrant Crisis

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Living just outside New York City, the impact of the migrant influx on our community is impossible to ignore. It’s far more than headlines or political debates—it’s a tangible crisis unfolding on our streets, straining our shelters, and overburdening public services we all depend on. Despite the sad attempts by New York’s elected officials to play social justice warrior, the city is now facing a breaking point.

The surge in migrants is stark, with Notices to Appear in immigration court more than doubling in states like New York and Illinois from FY 2022 to the first 11 months of FY 2023​​. This isn’t merely a set of numbers; it signifies a drastic shift that’s challenging the very essence of our community life, bringing about not just moments of human connection but profound challenges that question the sustainability of such open-armed policies. Chicago has also grappled with housing over 23,000 asylum-seekers bused from Texas since the start of the year, pushing the city to its limits and beyond​

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