Shooting near Speedway and Swan impacts Midtown businesses

Demi Ware works at a business in Mission Plaza on Speedway and Swan. He didn’t want to say which one, but said usually the plaza doesn’t see shootings.

“Tucson should be a safe place for everyone,” Ware said. “The area in general….I don’t really think it’s that bad.”

Bullet holes and damage can still be seen on several of the businesses’ exterior, including the one where Ware works.

Since the shooting outside of a hookah lounge two weeks ago, he said he hasn’t seen a lot customers. That means he’s only doing about half of the sales he usually does.

“Usually the entire parking lot is full and as you can see, not so much today,” Ware said, pointing to several empty parking spots. “In the past two weeks we’ve seen a severe drop off in traffic.”

Kiwami Ramen is across the street from the plaza and next to the hookah lounge. Its manager Don Schackart said business is doing good, but they have been aware of shootings in the past, mostly between one and five in the morning.

“Right out in front a drive-by shooting, and the driver pulled over on our property and died,” he said.

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