New Sightings of Mysterious Cryptid Continue Across the State of Georgia

*These accounts are based on stories submitted to the author of this article and the sources named at the end of each account. There is no proof that these stories are true. The author is simply relaying the information of supposed sightings and presenting it as told to her and the other authors whose work is cited in the article.

Sightings of a mysterious cryptid have been ongoing for decades across the state of Georgia. Those who have seen this strange creature say it defies explanation. It has the head and face of a wolf or dog, yet it has a humanoid-like body with the ability to stand and walk upright. Because of its canine-like appearance, researchers in the cryptid community have named it “dogman,” and judging from eyewitness accounts, this creature is lurking in the backwoods of Georgia. Here are a few of the numerous eyewitness reports from across the state, including two never-before-published accounts that were recently submitted by Newsbreak followers.

Backroad Adventure

Me and my buddy were driving south of Savannah, Georgia and headed for Florida. We decided to get off the interstate in Savannah and drive the rest of the way on some backroads. My buddy made a joke that we were going to see a sasquatch. He had no idea what was about to happen. It was about 3 a.m. in the morning so there weren’t many cars out at all. We were driving along a dark stretch of road that I think was Hwy. 17 when we saw something that looked like a wolf or really big dog. It was on the opposite edge of the roadway and it looked like it was eating something. My buddy saw it, too, and said it looked like a big wolf. When we turned around to get a better look and the headlights shined on it, this thing stood up on two legs and took a couple of steps toward the car. I almost crapped myself. My mind was trying to wrap around what I was seeing and I’m not going to lie, I felt a fear that was real. My buddy whispered “Sasquatch, dude! I told you so!” It did sort of look like a bigfoot because it was big and covered in fur like you would expect, but this thing had the head of a wolf! The thing I remember most is that it had really long arms and what looked like human hands. So this thing stood there about 20 feet away for maybe 30 seconds, gave a low growl, and made snort of a grimace, and ran off toward the woods. It ran on two legs at first and then dropped down to all fours and really took off. It literally looked like a guy in a fur suit with a wolf head, but I don’t think any human can run on all fours with that kind of natural movement. If it was somebody in a suit, he was pumped like Mr. Universe and sort of deformed. This happened in 2023 toward the end of August. *This account was submitted to the author of this article by a Newsbreak follower.

Story continues