A look at who’s funding Amendment 3, Missouri’s ballot question on abortion

As soon as the Missouri Supreme Court announced Amendment 3 should be on November’s ballot , opponents to the question sent statements and social media posts criticizing the question as being funded by out-of-state interests.

Amendment 3 asks voters whether they want to restore abortion rights in Missouri, which currently has a near-total ban on abortion.

“Amendment 3 is a deceptive effort by out-of-state interests,” Missouri Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe wrote in a post on X .

The Missouri Republican Party released a statement with similar allegations.

“This amendment, bankrolled by radical out-of-state interest groups, is a direct assault on Missouri families and the values we hold dear,” the party said in a statement Tuesday . “We must not let out-of-state interests hijack our Constitution.”

Even before Tuesday, Misouri Sen. Bill Eigel, a Republican, criticized the initiative petition.

He posted a video on X in April saying, “A lot of powerful, well-funded, special interests who don’t share our respect for life, for the sanctity of life, are coming into Missouri right now.”

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