Music therapy inspired this Brentwood woman to become a music therapist

A lot of us have stories about why we chose to follow a certain career path.

Those reasons can even feel like a full circle moments down the road.

That’s how it feels for Lydia Lowery, a music therapist at Musical Bridges in Brentwood.

“Never heard of music therapy before in my life,” said Lowery, when looking back on how much she knew about it prior to her teenage years.

Musical Bridges provides therapy through activities for people as young as babies all the way to adults in nursing homes.

Each session shakes things up a little bit. There’s a different focus with each activity. This includes communicating wants and needs, or even balance and mobility.

To see examples of these activities, watch in the player above.

“When we stood up to play the piano with her feet, we were crossing midline, which works on balance as well,” Lowery said.

There can be a lot to balance for the therapists between multiple clients, all with different needs.

“You know that you’re making a difference in their lives,” Lowery said.

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