Independent School District No. 1 Ranked #1 in North Idaho for Math

September 12, 2024 Sandra Kinney # Independent School District No. 1 Ranked #1 in North Idaho for Math

(Lewiston, ID) Independent School District No. 1 is proud to share results from the Spring 2024 Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT). The ISAT is a standardized test that measures proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA), math, and science. Students in grades 3-8 are

tested on ELA and math, while fifth- and eighth-grade students also take the science ISAT. At the high school level, 11th-grade students took the ELA, math, and science tests.

Independent School District No. 1 tested 2,413 students. When comparing with other traditional school districts in the state that tested at least 1,500 students in grades 3-8 and 11, we:

  • Ranked #3 in the state for ELA, with 59.6% of students being proficient or


o Ranked #2 in North Idaho

  • Ranked #2 in the state for math, with 50.9% of students being proficient or


o Ranked #1 in North Idaho

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