This Woman Learned Sign Language to Help All Her Employees Feel Loved and Valued

On her first morning as manager of the Walmart in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in September 2022, Vanessa Bennett, 28, gathered her staff together to introduce herself. She soon noticed a man and woman, who she would learn were married, using American Sign Language. Her first thought was: How are we going to communicate?

“Do you read lips?” she asked, and the man, Ali Ibrahim, 42, who has some speech, replied, “A little bit.” He then held up his cell phone and, using words and hand motions, asked Vanessa to put what she’d like to say into texts. Ali’s wife, Maryam, 40, deaf and mute, looked on as the pair exchanged messages.

Still, Vanessa realized how much easier it would be if she knew sign language. Not only would it improve communication, but she also wanted the couple to feel welcome. And suddenly, Vanessa blurted out: “I want to learn sign language. Can you help me?”

A sign of respect

Ali first joined Walmart in 2018, stocking shelves, while Maryam taught sign language at a school. After the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the classes, Ali encouraged her to come work with him. She joined him at Walmart in 2021.

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