Students paint cars for ArtPrize

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Students from Kendall College of Art and Design added color to cars for an event at ArtPrize.

Six students were selected as finalists for the Honda Paint My Ride Student Showcase put on by West Michigan Honda Dealers. The event allows students to come up with their own designs and paint new cars in front of crowds during ArtPrize.

They started painting Friday and the project will wrap up on Monday. The artists paint from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. during that time and the cars are parked near Rosa Parks Circle.

Hanna Stalmack is one of the artists and is from Traverse City. Her design is called “A Collection of Reminders.” She said she grew up coming to ArtPrize and was always inspired by seeing this event in action. Now she has the chance to be a part of it.

“I kind of just applied on a whim and got accepted and so it’s very cool,” Stalmack said. “Not a lot of people get to do something like this and so I’m taking it all in and it’s very fun.”

The cars will stay in Rosa Parks Circle for the rest of ArtPrize for attendees to look at. EightWest will also give each finalist $1,500 for their artistry.

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