Hillsboro Residents Will Get Soaked On Water Rates Again As Industry Gets Another Break

Editors Note: Charolyn Concepcion has reviewed hundreds of pages of data provided by the City of Hillsboro water department. Her analytical mind and math skill set at the “next level” were undoubtedly needed to even wade through the numbers. In our opinion, she has revealed inequity and inconsistency in the rate increases in the past and those being voted on for the future. There is NO DOUBT that without her, the people of Hillsboro would not have a voice at the table on these rate increases. If the information below becomes too difficult to sort through, know that Residential Rates are Going UP UP UP! ) Industry, Primarily Intel (Big Industry) is using 48% of all of our water, and they are not paying their fair share of the increase ares. The Willamette Water Pipe Project is costing the people of Hillsboro Hundreds of Millions of dollars. It was not needed for our people- it is and was driven by big industry, and the city leaders and state forces want us to pay to be ready for a bigger industry. GET INVOLVED NOW – SEE BELOW FOR MORE INFO.

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