Annual Hyde Park Street Fair brings vendors and visitors to Camel’s Back Park

The 45th annual Hyde Park Street Fair features a wide variety of local vendors, artists, bands and performances giving visitors a chance to experience the community of the North End first-hand.

( Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

“I’m a people person, so this fills my cup,” says Kayla Quist.

It is her first time being a vendor at the Hyde Park Street Fair. Quist owns Infinity Jewelry, which offers permanent jewelry and piercings on the spot.

“We’ll kind of go through a few different chains, they get to try it on, and then they come and sit where you are and I fit it to them and weld it shut,” says Quist.

She tells me she’s seen a huge amount of foot traffic at the street fair, which helps her grow her small business and balance being a mom to four kids.

Story continues