Lansing kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month with event at city hall

LANSING — About 200 gathered at Lansing City Hall on Monday to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs Sept. 15 through Oct. 15.

Mexico marks its independence day on Sept. 16. A handful of other Latin American countries mark their independence days this week.

“Today we pause to celebrate the culture of a people,” Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) said. “It’s having respect for men and women and children who may have walked a different journey. When there is straight foolishness and discussion debated about who is American and deserves the right to be on this soil, I will continue to be an ally to the people who helped raise me in the community.

“Today should be a reminder of everything that this culture and the people who make up the fabric of this community are able to continue to move forward in this city, state, and nation.”

The event was capped off with a performance by Ballet Maria Luz, which performed two dances from the State of Jalisco.

This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Lansing kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month with event at city hall

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