‘It’s appalling what’s happening’: Hundreds protest Israel-Hamas war at Providence rally

PROVIDENCE – Chants rose up on city streets Saturday afternoon as hundreds of people – young, old and even children – came together to call for an end to the Israel-Hamas conflict and a stop to the United States arming Israel.

“Vice President Harris, you’re a liar. The people want a ceasefire. No more money for Israel’s crime. Down with U.S. imperialism. Brick by brick, wall by wall Israel will fall,” the crowd cried out, many carrying signs showing support for the establishment of a Palestinian state amid the widening war in the Middle East.

“It’s appalling what’s happening over there. America has been betrayed. Humanity has been betrayed,” said Christopher Freed, who happened upon the rally while riding his bike.

Freed said he has emailed President Joe Biden about his opposition to America’s role in supporting Israel as it bombs Gaza and, more recently, Lebanon.

“It’s a colonial, racist war,” Freed said.

The group gathered on the State House lawn before taking their message to the streets as a sizable police presence stood watch to keep peace and block off traffic. Speakers addressed the crowd, some in Arabic, and led chants with megaphones.

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