Former Prosecutor Admits Misusing Funds, Avoids Charges

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Former St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner admitted to using public funds to pay off fines imposed for mishandling the prosecution of former Republican Governor Eric Greitens.

Under a pretrial diversion agreement, Gardner will avoid federal charges if she repays the $5,004 and complies with other conditions. The agreement was finalized this month.

Gardner faced criticism from Republicans over low conviction rates and high office turnover during her tenure.

In 2018, Gardner charged Greitens with invasion of privacy but the charges were later dropped. Her investigator was convicted, and Gardner was fined for mishandling documents.

Gardner’s use of public funds to reimburse herself violated the agreement. The city receives federal funding, giving the U.S. Attorney’s office jurisdiction.

U.S. Attorney Sayler A. Fleming called the diversion agreement a “just and fair outcome” for the misuse of public funds.

Gardner’s attorney, Ronald Sullivan Jr., said she entered the agreement to save time and resources. At the time of her resignation, Gardner faced an ouster effort by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and a bill that would have removed her authority over violent crimes.

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