Storms through midweek for North Texas before slightly warmer temperatures

Scattered showers and storms expected for Labor Day in North Texas 04:03

NORTH TEXAS — Showers and thunderstorms continued after sundown Sunday evening, and we’ll see how long they can survive.

Over the next 24-48 hours, the stationary boundary, a mid-level impulse from northern Mexico, and the Gulf low will all increase our chances for isolated to more widely scattered thunderstorms through the afternoon on Labor Day. A few could contain heavy rainfall and gusty winds. Lightning is also more likely during the midday thru evening timeframe.

Here’s the NAM3km model again, showing the heaviest showers and storms beginning around midday to our southwest Monday. The most likely areas will be west of the I-35 corridor, and especially southwest of the Metroplex. Isolated flash flooding is possible in these areas if storms start to proliferate or stay over the same locations.

The disturbance moving north from Mexico should also provide an additional focal point for more impact in the atmosphere and heavier showers and storms, depending on its movement.

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