Kendra’s House by Guiding Light helps women living in recovery

A newly opened sober home in Grand Rapids is designed specifically to help women in their recovery journey.

Kendra’s House, by the nonprofit Guiding Light , opened in June. FOX 17

The home has space to accommodate up to 11 women, offering support, resources, and amenities to create a foundation for success.

“They’re here, cooking, cleaning, living as a community, really establishing those grassroots recovery supports that we all need, and learning kind of how to live with structure,” explained Elisha Ash, Guiding Light Women’s Program Manager. “Long-term structure is really what we as people in recovery need.” FOX 17

Ash, now nearly 15 years sober, is excited to help others overcome addition.

“There’s so many different hurdles and hoops to jump through just to get healthy,” she told FOX 17 News. “This can have the greatest impact just because women, we kind of drive that family force.”

Guiding Light CEO Brian Elve explains the new home’s focus on women is needed as the group is often stigmatized for struggling with substance abuse.

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