Kite Surfer Rescued After Spelling ‘HELP’ With Rocks on Beach

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A kite surfer who found himself in a precarious situation along the coastline of California was saved after he creatively signaled for help. Using rocks, he spelled out “HELP” in the sand, a distress signal that caught the attention of a helicopter pilot flying by.

This incident unfolded south of the Davenport Landing in Santa Cruz, California, an area known for its challenging accessibility, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, which released a statement on X Monday concerning the rescue. A photo accompanying the statement shows the scene where the kite surfer was discovered on June 9, 2024.

The urgency of the kite surfer’s predicament was heightened by the incoming ocean tide. He strategically placed the rock-formed plea for assistance as high up on the beach as he could, near the cliffs, ensuring it was visible from above. His efforts paid off when a private helicopter noticed the message, subsequently alerting emergency services to his location.

Upon rescue by a helicopter from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, it was determined that the man did not require any medical treatment following the ordeal.

Using visual distress signals like “HELP” or “SOS” is a widely recognized method for stranded individuals to increase their chances of discovery and rescue. This technique proved successful not just for the kite surfer in California but also for three sailors who were rescued in April from a remote Pacific Island.

After more than a week stranded, the sailors, all men in their 40s, had arranged palm leaves on a white sandy beach to spell out “HELP.” Their rescue was executed by the U.S.

Coast Guard from Pikelot Atoll, part of the Federated States of Micronesia’s outer islands.

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