Business Matters: Diem 99 Cafe

HONOLULU (KHON2) — Their location has changed multiple times over the years but one thing that has remained consistent is their authentic Vietnamese food, that’s why Diem 99 Cafe continues to serve loyal customers for more than 25 years.

Being in the kitchen is nothing new for Huynh Le.

She’s been feeding family and friends for as long as she can remember.

“My whole life. I came to America when I was 18 years old and I had to support my family in Vietnam and I get married. I’m gonna start the restaurant after that,” Le said.

Her first restaurant was on King St.

She remembers coming into work every day with her two young children in tow.

“I’m so busy because when my children were young I had to take them every time I go to work I have to bring them with me and they stay under the counter,” Le recalled.

“Every weekend we would go to Chinatown to buy vegetables, and whenever we didn’t have school, we would be in the kitchen with her. Teaching us how to pluck the vegetables, and she was always working to survive,” added Huynh ‘s daughter, Wendy Trinh.

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