4/20 celebrations spark up across Texas: Here’s what’s happening this weekend

April 20th, often referred to as 4/20, is a date widely recognized in popular culture as a day dedicated to the celebration of cannabis.

The origins of the term 4/20 and its association with cannabis are somewhat debated, but it’s commonly believed to have originated from a group of high school students in California in the early 1970s who used to meet at 4:20 p.m. to search for an abandoned cannabis crop.

4/20 food deals:Satisfy your munchies with these ‘high’ priority specials

Since then, April 20th has become a significant day for cannabis enthusiasts, with various events, festivals, and gatherings taking place around the world to celebrate the plant and advocate for its legalization.

On 4/20, many people partake in smoking or consuming cannabis, while others use the day as an opportunity to advocate for cannabis reform, attend educational events, or simply enjoy the cultural significance of the day.

Here are some events happening across Texas:

420 Pre-Party at Spindletap Brewery – April 19

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