UNL grows enrollment for first time since 2017, adding to systemwide enrollment growth

The four campus chancellors of the University of Nebraska system attend the ceremonial investiture ceremony for new NU President Jeffrey Gold, from left: Rodney Bennett (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Joanne Li (University of Nebraska at Omaha), Dele Davies (University of Nebraska Medical Center, interim) and Charlie Bicak (University of Nebraska at Kearney, interim). Sept. 5, 2024. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

LINCOLN — The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has increased its overall student enrollment this fall for the first time in seven years, adding to total systemwide growth of 0.7% over fall 2023.

University of Nebraska President Jeffrey Gold announced the fall 2024 enrollment totals Monday, pointing to an increase of undergraduate and resident students across the state for a total of 49,749 students, the highest since 2021. Enrollment at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, which Dr. Gold led before becoming president this July, grew for the 24th straight year.

Enrollment increased 3.2% at UNMC and 1.7% at UNL. Conversely, enrollment declined 0.3% at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2.3% at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and 13.4% at the smaller, rural-focused Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis.

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