Woman searching for owner of lost 1987 Bryant High School class ring

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A Maumelle woman who found a 1987 Bryant class ring hopes to return to its owner using the power of social media to widen the search.

Kathryn Wilson and her dog Maddie were beside the Pulaski County Courthouse when Maddie dug up the class ring. She said the ring has the name Michael on it along with Bryant High and 1987.

“There is an engraving in here that says memories,” Wilson said.

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Wilson said she has been posting it in many Facebook groups and on TikTok to find the owner.

“The community just came together and were like we’re going to find this person,” Wilson said.

Despite a lot of help, she hasn’t been able to reach who it belongs to yet, but she says they have possibly narrowed down a name.

“They narrowed it down by class and the initials and they said that it seems most likely it belonged to a man named Michael Coney,” Wilson said.

However, Wilson said she has not been able to get into contact with him to verify if it’s his or not. She said she hopes someone can help her return what could be a treasured item.

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