Spinning the State: Madison, Racine, Carlsville

Stories you might have missed from across Wisconsin. Madison: UW Athletics to relocate Camp Randall bricks to new spot. UW-Madison is no stranger to protests. This week’s uproar had nothing to do with politics, human rights or tuition, it was all about bricks. Over the decades, donors have purchased personalized memorial bricks near Camp Randall Stadium. After hearing that the building closest to the bricks is set to be demolished to make way for a new practice facility, those donors feared that the bricks honoring their loved ones and friends would be discarded. The Athletic department was the target of much anger and frustration for not communicating plans for the bricks and for failing to publicize an option for folks to pick up their bricks next week. In response to the uproar, the Athletic Department has come up with a new plan. In an email yesterday, UW Athletic Director Chris McIntosh assured brick-owners that none of the bricks would be thrown away. According to the Journal Sentinel, donors can pick up their brick next week or leave it for the university to relocate and display at a new location near Camp Randall. McIntosh went on to say, “I appreciate and acknowledge the emotions that are attached to the bricks,” he wrote. “There are very personal and meaningful stories associated with (the bricks) and it was never our intent to dismiss that aspect of the bricks.” Full Story.

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