Some North Port residents question city’s stormwater drainage system

Some say, “when it rains, it pours” in North Port.

Residents shared some photos of roads and sidewalks engulfed in water after a storm. Edward Kelley
North Port resident Edward Kelley posted a photo of a street covered in water after it rained in July. He said his drain can’t handle all the water after heavy storms.

North Port Community Correspondent Victoria Scott spoke to people who are concerned about drainage issues in the city.

Scott also asked city officials about it, and they told her the drainage system is just doing its job.

“While it looks like there’s flooding, it’s actually just water doing its thing,” said Assistant Director of Public Works for the City of North Port Tricia Wisner. “If water is in the street, it’s meant to be there. The streets are actually part of our stormwater conveyance system.”

It might seem like an odd reality for some people who live in the city.

However, North Port resident Pam Tokarz told Scott she’s more concerned about the water in her back yard.

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