Francine flooding rain severe storms & tornadoes rip inland Louisiana Mississippi north to Tennessee

Hurricane Francine with 90 mph winds will be making landfall along the coast of Louisiana today and it will spread a large area of heavy flooding rains and severe thunderstorm including elevated tornado risk northward. Once inland Francine will track northward basically following the Mississippi River to Northeast Arkansas and Western Tennessee and that brings adverse weather over a large portion of the Central Gulf States and the Middle Mississippi Valley. This will inclde Mississippi, Western Alabama, Western Tennesee & Kentucky, Eastern Arkansas, Southern Missouri and Southern Illinois.

Areas along the Gulf Coast from Louisiana will be dealing with severe thunderstorms and elevated tornado risk per the Storm Prediction Center Forecast. I would expect to see tornadoes spinning up in this zone. Also we have the issue of flash flooding and heavy rain. 6 inches or more of rain is forecast for a large area from Southeast Louisiana northward through Mississippi and eastward along the Alabama coast and the Florida Panhandle.

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