Governor Newsom Signs ‘Know Your Period Act’ Into Law: Menstrual Health Education in California

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed Assembly Bill 2229 (AB 2229), the Know Your Period Act, into law. Authored by Assemblywoman Lori D. Wilson, this groundbreaking legislation aims to fill a crucial gap in California’s comprehensive sexual health education by including menstrual health education in the curriculum.

The Know Your Period Act originated from the “There Oughta Be a Law” contest, showcasing how community involvement can shape legislative progress. With bipartisan support, the law addresses the lack of education surrounding menstrual health, aiming to reduce stigma and misinformation.

“The Know Your Period Act represents a crucial step forward,” said Assemblywoman Wilson. “By including menstrual health in our curriculum, we’re breaking down barriers of stigma and ensuring all students have access to vital health information.”

Sriya Srinivasan, a student trustee at Solano Community College and a driving force behind the bill, celebrated the victory. “This is just the beginning of a longer journey to break period stigma. Now, Californians will Know Their Period,” she said.

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