Kentucky continues fight against opioid crisis with new campaign

Kentucky will have a new way to reach young people as it continues its fight against the opioid crisis.

On Tuesday, the Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission approved Attorney General Russell Coleman’s two-year, $3.6 million proposal for a new statewide addiction prevention campaign centered on Kentucky’s youth.

According to Coleman’s Office, the campaign, which is called “Better Without It,” “will feature data-driven outreach to engage with young Kentuckians where they are.”

This means the campaign will focus on social media, streaming platforms, college campuses, and partnerships with influencers. The goal is to engage 13–26-year-olds through positive, Kentucky-focused messages and encourage them to make positive choices and realize their full potential.

Coleman explained that while some older people may not necessarily understand this pivot, it’s okay, as they are not the target audience. The goal is to prevent young people in Kentucky from drug use. He said using influencers – and even Kentucky figures like athletes – is more effective because these figures resonate better with young people, according to data.

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