Critical Inner Harbor revitalization measure appealed to the Maryland Supreme Court

State Board of Elections appeals ruling on key Harborplace ballot measure 02:40

BALTIMORE – The Maryland State Board of Elections has appealed to the state’s highest court after a judge ruled to nullify a major ballot measure needed to revitalize the Inner Harbor.

Question F asks voters if they agree with rezoning portions of the Inner Harbor to allow Baltimore-based developer David Bramble to replace the pavilions at the city’s waterfront with a mixed-use complex.

However, an Anne Arundel County judge ruled the ballot question unconstitutional.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced the city’s law department filed a motion to intervene and join the State Board of Elections in their appeal to the Maryland Supreme Court.

“We don’t believe that, first and foremost, the judge in Anne Arundel County should be telling the residents of Baltimore what to do,” Scott said.

As it stands now, the ballot question will still be on November’s ballot, but the results will be nullified.

Issues with Question F

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