Lawmakers again probe possible AI regulation in Nebraska but look to other states as guide

The welcome screen for the OpenAI “ChatGPT” app is displayed on a laptop screen in a photo illustration. More states are considering regulations for artificial intelligence and other automated systems. (Leon Neal/Getty Images.)

LINCOLN — An interim study ahead of possible 2025 legislation to regulate artificial intelligence when it comes to Nebraska elections could depend on the fate of legislation in at least 19 other states.

State Sen. Tom Brewer of Gordon, chair of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Brewer is term-limited from the Legislature. Oct. 20, 2023. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

State Sens. Tom Brewer of north-central Nebraska and John Cavanaugh of Omaha each posed the question to their colleagues Thursday about whether the state should regulate AI. For Brewer’s Legislative Resolution 362 , the focus was possible dangers for elections generally, and for Cavanaugh’s LR 412 about the use of AI in political campaigns.

Cavanaugh, who introduced Legislative Bill 1203 this year before it stalled in February, said he and others are still trying to understand AI and how to approach it. That’s especially so when balancing possible dangers with potential uses all under First Amendment protections.

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