Oregon Addresses Beach Access For The Mobility Challenged

As someone who, in the last couple of years, has developed a problem with my legs, I am finding that accessibility to certain places is far more debilitating than I had originally thought.

A couple of years ago, my legs started to weaken. Over a period of just a few short months, I was no longer able to go out for a walk anywhere, because my legs became weak and unstable.

I’ve gone through multiple diagnostic tests and have seen every “-ologist” known to man, to no avail thus far. And I’m missing out on many once enjoyable parts of life.

Having just recently moved back to my beloved Oregon, and loving the Oregon coast as I do, I am elated to find that the Oregon Coast Visitors Association has issued a grant to some coastal counties to improve accessibility for people with mobil disabilities.


Photo byPhoto courtesy of klcc.org

According to reporting by klcc.org, this grant is providing funding for “mobi-mats”, using recycled polyester, that are being installed in various coastal locations, providing a smooth pathway from a parking area directly to the beach.

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