This Stretch of South Carolina Mountain Road is Said to be Home To a Ghostly Hitchhiker

You are driving down a highway stretching over fifteen miles in the mountains of South Carolina, far from anything worth noting. Wildflowers stay consistent on each side of your vehicle, as well as the plentiful trees. It begins to downpour as you grip the steering wheel tighter, and your eyes see in front of you into the darkness of night. Loneliness begins to kick in just as you go around the bend and see what resembles a person in a black raincoat in the distance, just standing.

As you lock eyes with the stranger, you notice he is rather pale, appearing lost. Do you pick the man up or keep driving? This a question and decision many have had to make through the years when they have encountered the alleged ghost of aviator Larry Stevens, who crashed in the 1950s in a heavy rainstorm in this region after leaving the Greenville, South Carolina airport. Many believe the hitchhiker is Stevens, who appears on rainy and foggy nights trying desperately to flag down passing motorists.

The ghostly spirit seems to have one destination in mind when approached by people brave enough to stop to offer the stranger assistance on Hwy 107 in Oconee County, Moody Spring. Debris from Steven’s plane crash was found scattered abroad, but his body was never recovered in the search.

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