Sen. Quinn votes to override Governor’s vetoes

Senator Romaine Robert Quinn (R-Cameron) voted Tuesday to override Gov.Evers’ vetoes on nine bills.

“Today the State Senate took action to right the wrong of the governor’s vetoes on important issues for Northwestern Wisconsin and across the state,” Quinn said in a news release. “Whether it’s maintaining access to emergency health services, enhancing election integrity, or managing our wolf population, Wisconsinites should not have to wait to address these critical issues because the governor chose a stalemate with his veto pen.”

A veto override requires a two-thirds supermajority vote. The following bills were successfully overridden in the State Senate on Tuesday:

• Senate Bill 98 helps secure our elections by providing additional tools to stop unqualified residents from voting.

• Senate Bill 139 requires the DNR to establish a population goal in its wolf management plan, just as it does in management for other species. Without a numeric goal, it is impossible to evaluate effectiveness in managing the wolf population.

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